A warning or fore warning or watever to all you guys who read tis post...Its gonna be really long...
It was all planned too fast...I wud rather say I dint expect it a bit...Thot it was jus mom's usual banters about how dad never takes us out n blah blah..

Dad had a meetin at Hyderabad and since we(me n mom) had never been to hyderabad before,we decided we give it a go...
And lo,it happened...Frankly speakin,I wasn too excited abt it but then yes I had to drag myself and get all the things packed up...My lack of enthusiasm was very evident from the fact that I had actually started packin at 12:20 A.M and my flyt was at 6:20 A.M on the very day...It was further emphasised when I got up at 5:0o A.M and lost myself in messagin one of ma frens in ma jus-now-out-of-bed look despite ma mom's requests which slowly transformed into shouts,screams and yells...I painted a vivid picture of ma mom givin me a "all-because-of-you" look incase I delayed further and we ended up missing the flight...I budged myself up and got ready..I was jus givin those last moment touches and ma mom n dad were already downstairs,their voices(shd i say yells?) reaching uptil the first floor we were staying...To avoid gettin embarrassed infront of the driver and watchman,I hurried outta the house...I wud have been perfect fot the ads sportin this young,independant and smart business woman hurryin for work if nt for the casual attire...Anywaz got into d car safely and mom promptly launched into a lecture on "how to get ready on tym" which carried a hidden warnin of "u-btr-nt-speak-back"..The young and restless me did brush away the warning and well the result was me and mom were lookin at our respective windows dutifully(In simple words,we wer lookin away each other givin the impression "I dn wanna talk to ya")..and ma dad was in d front seat givin d same impression as d hindi-speakin driver...["I have no idea watsoever happened in this car"]...
Well me and mom continued sulkin til v reached d airport...Once der v were told "Please hurry up sir,Ur flyt is boarding"...which accordin to me jus summed upto a single word with exclamations..."RUN!!!!"...so yeah v promplty kept runnin til v reachd the "wrong" security check in...Wats d big deal abt Indian Airlines now to have a separate security check???...In the mood I was,I called it outright mean...Anywaz v ran once again to the so called "others" security check...(Mine was Go-air now)...I was in for a suprise here..For the first tym in ma flying experiences I saw the ladies queue to be longer than that of mens..Wonderful tyming for tis suprise indeed...N when was der peace when ladies(known or unknown) were together??V did have this usual skippin d queue problems and I got quite pissed off when a mid-fifties lady took advantage of a really old woman passenger claimin she was with her,leaving me and ma mom who were this only "v-r-in-a-hurry" souls seem like the most heartless ppl in this whole damn world for askin the lady to stand in the queue...I realised later on only that there's no possibility of any relation between that damn lady n the old woman when one of them was a go-air passenger and the other jet-airways...*cha!!!*...Embarrassment find its way into ma lyf somehow!!!So v successfully got thru the security check at arnd 6:10 A.M. and I jus rushed outta towards the gate wen I saw ma dad was ekdam aaram se standin der..I was like "whaaaatt?"...Ma dad simply turned towards ma mom and enquired in a very relaxed manner "U wanna go to the loo?"..I was like "Man,have u gone nuts??We have a flyt wich is gonna take off in another ten minutes and here u r enquirin abt goin to the loo like as if the flyt has nt got a loo"...Well i actually dint say tat..I put it up in a better manner...But I realised I figured out how ma dad n ma cuz bro had once missed the flyt from delhi to chennai...Am so damn sure this "loo" conversation would have been on tat tym n ma poor cuz bro wud have jus stood der tryin hard to convince ma dad that he really dint wanna go...*Grrrr*..Somehow wen i put tis view across to dad,he gave one of his rare laughs n yes v all laughed too...of corse V had got in the bus by that tym...
Now abt the bus..I jus hate the damn bus tat carries d passengers from airport to the plane...I hate em...They r either so stuffy or jus so damn cold tat u myt havta breathe ur last der...All ma flyt experiences have alwayz began with this "Please God this shdn be the bus-plane one(I'm quite ignorant abt the technical term for tat thingy wich connects d plane n d port)"...Well this tym was one of those "ma-prayer-nt-happened" tyms n i was already grumblin abt it..My grumbling further increased wen the bus took a longer tym to reach d area where our plane was...I started hearin ppl commentin "arey this takes longer tym than the whole journey itself"..which though seemed quite exaggerated was kinda true...the bus journey took us some fifteen min whereas the trip to Hyderabad was jus fifty minutes...So exaggeration accepted!!!
Got in and knowin ma dad very well,I knew we would end up gettin the nearest to the exit seats..V got 2A,2B,2C and i sat with a sign of relief near d window..Though I'm nt tis person who keeps their face stuck to the window thruout the journey,I prefer window seats coz I jus keep twistin in d seats and bug ma mom with the most mokkai-est(read Pj or borin) jokes ever..So i prefer the anonymity of the window seats..I got myself ready for d journey by pluggin the head phones into ma ears and pickin up the mumbai mirror stuffed badly by d "graceful" soul who had occupied those seats earlier..I lost myself in music,movies,local stories and gosspis for a while..The flyt journey was pretty good n since it was jus fifty minutes jounrney when compared to the one-and-an-half hr journey to chennai,I guess I found it better...Go air has this no in-flyt free serving policy bt v were allowed to buy food items from them..V ended up gettin cold breakfast containin sandwiches,somethin sweet break like thingy and some weird things...It was ultra cold tat it jus seemed lyk they had purposely chilled it up for us...anywaz i jus satisfied ma appetite with honey n oatmeal cookie(Yum!!!) and tat sweet break like thing..It was followed by a photo session where I was tryin out ma O2 mobi ka camera for d first tym..
Well a bit abt O2 now..One word tat sums up d camera is "IT SUCKS!!"..okay two words now..It portrays ur photography skills in a very poor lyt by showin up very dim pics...However it does come out well in the comp..appreciated!!!And then if it feels like it wants brytness arnd it can be so stubborn to nt turn its flashlyts off even after d pic is taken,leavin d poor ppl flashin their smile tinkin d camera is still gettin d pic while others arnd you give you a "y-do-u-have-a-camera-wen-u-dn-kno-how-to-use-one" kinda look...Anywaz wat I decided and ma mom decided by the end of tis trip was v wil take a better camera wid us next tym...Goody good!!!

So yes v de-planed at Hyderabad and the chauffeur took us to the hotel v were sposed to stay which turned out to be JW Marriott..*glee*...Well the hotel sported an antique look outside which I dint appreciate much..Of corse it was a great place from inside...We were welcomed by a cute cream color labrador and some not-so-cute four to five security men..Talk abt safety and security at Hyderabad!!!It was damn interestin to c ppl goin abt ur car with metal detectors...gives some sense of importance nw..So yeah after this rigourous checking including us n our bags,v were let in very politely..I must say one shd learn a thing or two abt politeness from d Marriot guys of Hyderabad...I dunno abt other Mariotts nw...By the hyderbadis jus moved me tremendously wid der politeness and mannerisms...I would give dem a full in scale of 10..Wel v were ushered into our rooms in the seventh floor...the room wasn really very spacious or so bt it was wel set up and d ambience-wonderful!!!It had everythin u wud possibly need...ryt from shampoos til high-speed internet connectivity...Things worth mentionin-The hair dryer,Fridge loaded with all goodies,The Iron machine wid table,The safety locker and of corse The Internet connectivity..So yeah v settled in and dad got ready for the meetin he was sposed to attend...Tat was the entire purpose of the visit nw..V jus freshened up a bit and went down wid dad for breakfast..Marriott has one of d best buffets I've ever been to..I cud jus count out the things tat were missin coz the things tat were available was jus too many...Ryt from bacon to grilled mushroom to idlis to parathas over to bread and cornflakes with a splendid variety of juices some of which came under my "never-heard-of-tis-before" category...The food was the best of best..V managed to gobble up sth and then marched towards d room...Dad left for the meetin shortly and mom dozed off to a happy slumber in those foamy,ultra soft and cozy giant-sized beds...I surfed thru the channels til the signs of tiredness n tat of gettin up at 5 showed up...I dozed off n got up wid mom tellin me to get dressed yet again..I was jus so sleepy n lazy tat I dint feel like gettin up...Finally dragged myself outta d bed and got dressed for the wonderful day ahead...The same chauffeur picked us up again and took us to d place where dad's meetin was held..V met few acquaintances of dad's where I promptly kept sayin "hello" and flashin ma big smile and my mom did tat "namaste" thing..The guys there managed to convince ma dad abt stayin til monday mornin(v were sposed to stay only til sunday evenin)...Dad somehow got convinced(which never ever happens wen I do d talkin) and so yes though mom was so damn worried abt ma "baby" bro of 22 years v had had left behind,V decided to stay..Then we went for lunch to "Hyderabad House"(The biriyani sucked invariably...Chicken was good) and proceeded towards our first sight-seein spot..."Shilparaman-An art village"..

I had actually thot it to be some kinda art exhibition where paintings of expensive rates are put up n u jus keep starin at dem wonderin what the artist was tryin to explain or rather trying to figure out wat the artist had put up in that marvellous work...Me,who was someone who tried to bunk drawin classes during skul days was absolutely against visitin this place...But it turned out that I was wrong..Shilparaman was jus an exhibition where there were stalls about the tribal ppl of hyderabad,history of hyderabad and most important of all...clothes,bags and various other accessories..I jus ran like how ppl run for seats in IMAX dome theatre or to make it pretty simple I jus ran like crazy...Finally after much bargainin done by mom and showin arnd stuffs done by dad,I ended up gettin a pretty white n black rajasthani handicrafted knee length skirt,a green n black wrap on skirt,Two chudidhar materials and got ma name done on Bead work...At pretty good price!!Now tats the whole point of shoppin at an exhibition..isnt it???Anyways satisfied abt d whole shoppin experience and finally gettin the enthusiasm that I had lacked so far,we proceeded towards Golconda Fort-The last sight seein spot for the day...I'm nt someone who's very much interested in History and so I wasn much excited abt the whole fort seein thingy...Reached,got an ice-cream(yew!!!) and I started takin pics of the fort in different angles...V were to do time-pass till the sound and light show began...Now for all you ppl who had never been to Hyderabad and for all you ppl who's nt tis history lover kind,please keep ur ears sharp or shd i say keep ur eyes wide open...NEVER EVER GO FOR THIS SHOW...its d most boring-est thing I've ever seen...It was an hr show I spose n I slept off even amidst the mosquitoe bites and chillin weather in the last half an hr...Basically the show is set up in such a spot where u get a good view of almost the entire fort...Colorful Lights have been installed at places and wen the show begins and whenever they explain abt some part of the fort the light lits up at the concerned part...A certain person keeps blabberin abt the so called history of the fort...Initially I was quite fascinated by the magnificiently lit up fort and the story,but thereon it wasn interestin enof to keep me entertained...I slowly started grumblin and I realised it was of no use coz ma dad was extremely interested and mom seemed to..So i decided the only refuge I had was to sleep off...I did like to mention a very interestin and perhaps the only interestin fact in that damn show..There was this certain prince named Ibrahim or [Quli or Kohli](Aint sure) who was in love with a extremely beautiful girl named Bhagmathi who was a dancer-cum-singer(Now I wonder how cum all the queens n princesses or rather the heroine of the story are always such beautiful lookin damsels)...Anyways back to d story...So yeah they were very much in love and I must say the romance(if tat blabber guy was true) was jus too sweet...Anyways as d story goes the father of d prince found out abt der love and warned the prince to forget his love and put some restrictions(so typical)..But the prince,unable to forget his love,decided to risk his life and go meet her...So on a very stormy nyt,the prince took his horse and galloped in d rains to see his beloved..Of corse Bhagmathi,like any other girl was thoroughly impressed...the prince's father(nice man!!!) heard abt the prince's nyt-out and removed all d restrictions and let the prince marry his love(Wish d tamil cinemas had such an ending now)..Anyways tis is wat d blabberer claims-I heard a different version at the laser show at Lumbini park though which goes like this-The prince swam some lake it seems..and yes d girl was impressed and the prince's dad decided to help d prince by building some bridge which is still functionin in hyderabad it seems...Somehow I like this laser show version better...Well ultimately wt I wanted to say was-After d prince got married he constructed a new city n named it bhagampur(I spose,again) and later on it was renamed as Hyderabad(No prizes for guessin now!!!)..Guess u wud have made out the meanin behind ma post title now!!!

1.Yes,the photos were indeed from ma O2 except the food one,the map,the laser show,the motorboat and the Bhagmathi cruise ship
3.The below pic as I claim is the best pic ma O2 has ever taken!!!

By the way its the amazin pool side at Marriott!!!Go for it,guys!!!

So anywaz..I was fumin by the end of tis sound n lyt show and I now increased d sound of ma grumblin and pestered ma dad to compensate for this borin tym by takin me for some movie...I'm alwaz a game for any movie,u see...So v went for Prasad's IMAX arnd 8:15,which is quite near Marriott to check out the movies...Suprise yet again...Der was only Billa runnin wich was released ages ago and then the last show for all telugu movies was at 8:15 P.M...V had very limited choices and d next show was at 11 PM(only English and Hindi Movies) which was completely ruled out...So v came back to d hotel,had dinner and went for the room...Ma mom was very tired after d hectic day which invloved too mucha walkin..I decided to watch some movie on TV atleast n Star movies offered me "Speed-2" and I decided to watch it since I've never seen it before..It turned out to be a good movie bt the endin was too dramatic or i did say indian-ish...The hero keeps on chasin d so-called villian for his gal..aioo!!!So i dozed off n ma world of reality transformed into world of dreams almost immediately..
The next thing I remember was my mom wakin me up(yet again) at arnd 8:30 A M on sunday mornin...V had plans to visit d film city,go for boatin,laser show at Lumbini park and see birla mandir on tat day...I got ready slowly and by 10 30 v were done with breakfast and were all set for the hectic day ahead...Film city turned out to be a long ride from d place v stayed and I happily caught up on d sleep my mom had forcefully taken away...Tats a great advantage I;ve or disadvantage as ma mom sees it...I can sleep off very contently when I travel by car...But I hate cars especially the air-conditioned ones...I dunno how bt I developed a dislike for the air-conditionin in the cars...somehow I feel choked and irritated...So yes v reached Ramoji's Film City and lo..It was jus huge!!!

The next thing I remember was my mom wakin me up(yet again) at arnd 8:30 A M on sunday mornin...V had plans to visit d film city,go for boatin,laser show at Lumbini park and see birla mandir on tat day...I got ready slowly and by 10 30 v were done with breakfast and were all set for the hectic day ahead...Film city turned out to be a long ride from d place v stayed and I happily caught up on d sleep my mom had forcefully taken away...Tats a great advantage I;ve or disadvantage as ma mom sees it...I can sleep off very contently when I travel by car...But I hate cars especially the air-conditioned ones...I dunno how bt I developed a dislike for the air-conditionin in the cars...somehow I feel choked and irritated...So yes v reached Ramoji's Film City and lo..It was jus huge!!!

Got the tickets...Got a cap..nice one..Got into the bus..Window side again..N tis tym to gaze out and feel d breeze(hot)..clicked pics here n der...Finally d bus stopped at some place n we all got down...Ppl started rushin towards d attractions...For d very first one we went for,we waited in the queue for some fifteen minutes...I dn even remember d name of tat damn show to warn u guys...anywaz if u guys have kids or a lover then I guess u wudn mind goin 4 it...wid kids u gt some happiness outta d kids enjoyment and wid ur lover,she'll be so bored tat she'll havta look at u n speak to you..Its basically some joy train kinda tingy where they try describin different places using stuffs created outta plaster of paris...I dn wanna talk abt tis anymore..I’ve had enof...

Then we went for somethin called action show..I was already frustrated abt the earlier show and so I warned my dad of dire consequences incase it turned out awful...Moreover I had to stand in blazing heat for some 20 min..So I guess u can feel d amount of irritation I felt..Anywaz dad turned out to be lucky...the show was pretty good n hilarious...It basically explains briefly how a movie clip is taken and how its a team work and nt jus the work of d so called actors n actresses...It was interactive and a 13 yr old girl pretended to be a raj-kumari being chased by men in horses...It was quite a hilarious thing to c...and I dn tink it can be explained in words...A must watch show though...She somehow looked like ma dearest cuz,Shwe n tat made me laugh even louder...We went for lunch after tis show and I must say I finally tasted some good biriyani!!!V gobbled it up wid a coke and ice-cream,in the case of mom and proceeded aimlessly..V finally saw tis tora-tora ride and I was quite excited...The last tym I had been to amusement parks on such rides was back in March,2007 I spose..It was with ma class-mates and it was so damn fun quipped wid singing the latest tamil movie songs in d bus,goin on all thrillin rides,envyin d guys who got to use d pool and walkin walkin n more walkin..It was so much fun...I still remember how much preps v had done for it by gettin d lyrics of d songs n memorizin it meticulously,puttin off frens who blabbered d wrong lyrics and man..wat fun!!!It was a pride knowin d lyrics of d songs by heart....N I'm so sure v would have exceled much more in studies if v had had d same excitement n dedication...Me n ma frens did tink of goin for amusement park after tat but it never seemed to work out..Anywayz back to film city,v went for tora tora,some flight watever,break dance and thriller...Then v went for tis bus trip across d film city...I did say the bus trip served d purpose of the entire trip to film city...At this place called Eureka(tats where d rides r),U get tis bus trip where a guide shows u in and arnd film city in the bus..It was so much fun and the guide was really good at explainin things...He cracked appropriate jokes,gave us d appropriate information and kept us engrossed thruout...Ramoji's Film city was an out of the world experience..I guess d entire place covered a whoppin 2000 acres and it was really amazin to c the different settings in film city...It was quite hilarious yet stunnin!!!Don ever miss it...Well v were to get down at d sposed ellora caves settings der..I was quite worn out by now and as if tat wasn enof we were all made to wait for bus some half an hr in d blazin heat...I cud only tink of a sadistic reason behind it..U enjoyed,U suffer now...*ouch*...Finally d bus came n trust me,ppl ran like its now or never...We left d first one and decided to catch d second one..The second one had quite some crowd for it and v had a minor scuffle wid a fellow passenger who tried to act smart..I gave him ma piece of mind n tat spoiled ma mood for a while..After gettin down,I was back to ma tired normal self..I wanted to so badly go in ranger(which had jus started operatin...sheesh)but dad pleaded wid me to nt go afraid tat I wud faint off...So I gave into their whims;) and v caught the bus back to entrance...Got into d car and I promptly dozed off...
Our next stop(Whattttt???)...yeah v r such energetic ppl indeed...our next stop was at Lumbini Park for the Laser show...Yes,the very one where d blast took place killin quite a many ppl especially poor students who had been for a trip..Well v got d tkts for d 8:30 show and in d mean tym v thot v cud go for boatin...I cud like to give a tip here...If u r someone scared of travellin in a ship or boat n someone who loves watchin cultural shows,then u must go for the big ship one...If u r someone who wants to feel d feel of goin on a boat ride then u shd opt for the motor boat...it goes...zzzzoooooooommmmmmm....or shhhwwwwooooossssshhhhhhh i wud say...V unfortunately opted for d former one though I was the latter kind...

I had to sit thru ppl dancin n yeah the dancers did a pretty gud job bt i must say...Mom was ultimately bugged and dad maintained a safe distance from her..Well finally v got down n v had a pretty 45 min left for d show..So v jus lazed arnd d park discussin abt how well Hyderabad Govt. had developed tourism..Sincerely speakin,every state shd take a lesson or two abt developin toursin from hyderabad...Those guys have done a wonderful job..No place has been left untouched..Ders this really big lake named Hussain Sagar Lake(Finally I got a name right)and these ppl developed all possible attractions arnd tis single lake…Now tats indeed praiseworthy I wud say..And another fascinating or I wud say incredible thing abt Hyderabad is tat everyone,ryt from a small kid to a grown up adult speak in Hindi..Despite Hyderabad being the capital of AP,one jus cant hear telugu bein spoken anywhere…seriously!!!I remember tese two particular incidents very well..When we were goin to Golconda Fort,the road was blocked..So we were tryina enquire if der was any other way…A kid,barely 8 yrs old,came along and told us, “Ji,eh road tho blocked hai..(pointing at another road)Aap voh doosra road se jaana”[Sir,this road is blocked..Go thru the next road]…I was like “Whaaat???”…Hmmm n yet another incident was when I got this roasted corn from a road side vendor near Lumbini Park…The lady pointed out the groundnuts next to her and asked “Eh bhi chaiyiyae??”[U want tis too?]…I wasn listenin to her,so I asked “huh??”..The lady was like “Eh kavala??”(meanin U want this in telugu)..I was like “Man,these ppl speak as if hindi is their first language and then telugu”…I had jus reacted towards this shockin experience but my mom took it as “maana praechanai”[defamation] and decided tat she would learn hindi ASAP..Well back to the story,arnd 8,ppl started movin towards the stadium where the laser show was bein held…We went along with others and got fryums n samosa…The stadium was really huge and I guess,at a tym,it holds arnd 2000+ ppl..It wud have been such a horror for ppl wen d bomb blast took place…Mom kept recollectin d story and v were experiencing d feelin of bein at d place where “it” happened..Finally arnd 8:30,wen almost d entire stadium was full(!!!!),d show began…I must say it was d best ting abt d entire trip…

Using d fountain as d screen,the laser was performin its work and it was jus enthrallin..simply fantastic…Its sth tat jus cant be described..One has to be der n feel it…I jus sat literally gaping at d screen for some tym…Initially they show two lovers romancing using the lasers n then d fountain wid colorful lyts at d bottom dances beautifully to some of the hit songs..then they tel d history of Hyderabad using d projector followed by a song featuring the stars in Tollywood…It was amazing and worth the money…We left five min b4 d show so tat v dn get caught up in d crowd..
Climbed in the car n reached Hotel Manohar where we were sposed to spend d “nt-sposed-to-spend” nyt(Remember v were convinced to stay here till Monday morn)..V chose to dine in d room only and ordered…I started watchin some episode of roadies 5 on MTV..It seemed pretty interesting n so it kept me entertained…V were quite tired and since v had to get up early d next day(since our flyt was scheduled at 6 AM or so),v retired to bed arnd 11…Slept contently and next morn,v bid good bye to Hyderabad…I was quite dazed throughout the entire return journey..v came home arnd 8 and I slumped on the bed muttering “I wont go to office today”…
The next thing I remember was me sittin in the office wonderin how on the earth “I” turned up to office..I gave a pat on ma shoulders…Cmon yaar I deserved it…I wud love to include this in ma list of “sacrifices undergone in becoming a CA”…Well der ends ma story,insight,experience,outlook whatever u call it…I had quite some fun and its been quite sum tym since I spent an entire day wid dad n mom..So yeah I ultimately enjoyed it and goin by the traditional endings “I’m lookin forward to more of such trips wid family”
1.Yes,the photos were indeed from ma O2 except the food one,the map,the laser show,the motorboat and the Bhagmathi cruise ship
2.Bear wid me this tym…I’ll try makin posts shorter next tym..And for all u guys who loved ma loooooooonggg post…thanks guys but I cant guarantee such long posts everytym…Me doin CA,u c!!!;)
3.The below pic as I claim is the best pic ma O2 has ever taken!!!

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